Friday, May 6, 2011

Will and Kate: greatest hits

I've only bought a couple of royal wedding things to send home to my mom to be funny (a coffee mug and some magnets, for the record). I think most of it is over the top, and mostly when I see this "william and kate" stuff, i just think about how awkward it must feel to have your face on cheap souvenirs in every shop you walk by. That being said,  there are only two pieces of royal wedding memorabilia i want, and would actually purchase if i came across them: 

these pez dispensers....i used to collect pez dispensers, and i think these are fantastic.
(unfortunately, they were a charity auction item that sold for around a whopping $13,500 bucks, so i definitely wouldn't purchase them! I'm secretly hoping they produce cheaper versions later on...)

.....and these bizarre tea bags. i just think they are hysterical.  in fact, i'd buy them if they were of ANYONE - not just will and kate - because i think it would be fun to have someone kicking it in your tea cup...

but there were other pieces of royal wedding memorabilia that i felt deserved a place in the "greatest hits" of bizarre shit old british ladies will cram into their china cabinets (next to their charles and diana tea set, and charles and camilla dessert plates)

 of course there would be collectible royal wedding china.  I've seen multiple patterns, but I think this one is the "official" one.....not that being "official" makes it any less tacky, but you get my point...

the William and Kate commemorative fridge.  by far the most bizarre thing I've seen that's out there, but I know that somewhere there is someone anxiously awaiting the arrival of their royal refrigerator...and her husband is quietly filing for divorce. 

I first saw the commemorative pie in our local Tesco.  Bizarre, but cute.

this is another one i'd like to have, but it was produced in such limited quantities, that i don't think i'd ever have a chance of finding it - it's a special commemorative beer called "kiss me kate" - for the record, gene tasted a special royal wedding mead at a beer festival a couple of weekends ago and it tasted like ass.....i like to imagine that the beer tastes much, much better. 

cookie tins....not really that strange, but still kind of strange. once again, i'm sure this is a favorite of "little old ladies" around the country.

congrats, will and kate.  here's to another few decades of seeing your faces on stuff human faces should never be on.