of the big fun parts of getting married (aside from the obvious gigantic party and being fawned over for a day by everyone you encounter...oh, and there's the being joined forever with the love of your life thing. ha) is obviously the gifts....
i've been living on my own for close to a decade now, so honestly, i've accumulated most everything i need or want as far as stuff for the kitchen, or the home necessities - (it also helps that i have a mom who is obsessed with dishes and cookware, and she tends to spoil me with these things) - so the registry process for us, while we found it to be great fun at times, was also a little difficult, because i'm pretty happy with the stuff i already own, and i can talk myself out of replacing just about anything - i had to keep reminding myself that it's totally okay to register for new things....that my toaster doesn't have feelings....that the bowls i already own aren't going to be offended if i get some new bowls to go along with them....that there won't be a confrontation of west-side story proportions between my old cookware and my new cookware....of course, when this is all over, some old things will be purged....and i have to remind myself that the new and the old can live in harmony together....
if i'm being 100% honest, long before we ever started registering, i knew what the very first thing would be that i was going to put on our's something i've wanted for a few years, but have never been able to justify buying: the le creuset whistling tea kettle.
it's an item that, whenever i've gone into a williams sonoma store, i've gone over to and obsessed over. i've geared myself up to buy it at least 5 times, but every single time i'd remind myself that not only do i already own ONE tea kettle, i own MANY, and it would be ridiculously silly to buy yet another one - after all, the ones i already own work perfectly fine and have no problem heating up the water for my tea.....but it didn't matter how many times i'd talk myself out of it, i'd still keep up this obsession with this tea kettle.....
so i promised myself that when we went to register for wedding gifts, i was gonna put the tea kettle on there. it's been on my mind ever since.
last week, my mother called to tell me that a package had come to her house - it was our first wedding gift. i didn't expect them to be coming so soon, but i was still really, really excited about it. she wouldn't tell me where it was from, so i just had to wait it out for the next few days - i said to her on the phone "i don't know what it is, and it doesn't matter because i'm just excited to get anything, but i know what i hope it is....."


my precious, whistling, azure blue, fancy tea kettle....
(not the BEST picture, but whatever....)
as if it wasn't exciting enough just to get our first wedding open it and find out that it was the thing i absolutely wanted more than anything else we had registered for totally blew my mind - my dear cousin sent us this incredible, adorable tea kettle, and while i'm sure he just wanted to send us a nice gift (mission accomplished!), what he also did was unknowingly make an awesome memory for us (of opening our very first wedding gift) AND fulfill my silly tea kettle dreams!!!
the arrival of the tea kettle seemed to start a sort of domino effect - we've actually gotten a few other gifts over the last few days - and even though this entry might make it seem as though i'm playing favorites, they really are all just as nice and thoughtful as the tea kettle, and each time mom tells me that there's a gift for us, i feel surprised and little wave of giddy excitement - that being said, it's time for me to go and get started on writing some thank you notes!
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