Friday, September 23, 2011

the sweetest things....

I've had a fairly rough couple of weeks (the medical crap, Gene's deployment, etc...), and I'll be the first to admit that I have had moments recently when I definitely could have used some cheering up, and today I woke up to a little box of instant cheer waiting for me by the door from my blogger pal, Jaime (if you haven't read her blog, angloyankophile, you should!)!!!

If there's anything I like, it's something sweet! and if I had to choose a favorite sweet thing, it would be a cupcake (obvious to anyone who knows me....I totally worship all things cupcake!) - the next best thing (and one that, in my opinion, far surpasses most cupcakes in the cuteness category!) would be these sweet little cupcake shaped iced biscuits from Biscuiteers ....

first of all, even the freaking BOX and the packing inside is adorable. 

and then, there they were - some of the most adorable things I've ever seen! I actually said "AWWWWW" out loud, to myself, when I saw them! They are so cute that I don't want to eat them, but so delicious looking that I don't think I can resist it! 

This was definitely the little boost I needed today to start me off in a good mood.  Thanks so much for the little pick-me-up, Jaime!!!!