Monday, August 15, 2011

I'm back.

so I sort of accidentally abandoned my blog for the last few months. I say "abandoned," but really the lack of updates can be chalked up solely to laziness. Quite a bit has been going on, and by the time I have "free" time, I really can't be bothered to do much beyond putting on my pajamas and remaining in a ball on the couch, fighting to keep my eyes open by watching t.v. until I feel it's a socially acceptable time to actually go to bed. There have been plenty of things I've made mental notes to blog about. Hell, I've even written entire blogs in my head (and kept various notes on my phone and scribbled on papers in my purse), but when it came time to actually type them out, I just couldn't get the motivation. A lot of stuff has happened since my last post, so I'll just do a little recap:

I went home.

...and by "home," I mean America. Back in July, for about 2 and a half weeks, I was back in Arkansas. Now, when i initially made my plans to go home, I thought that 2 and a half weeks was a bit MUCH (I remember thinking "by the end of the first week, I'll have done everything I want to do, and be boooooored), but I've since learned that those days FLY by, and unfortunately, I only got to see about 1/5 of the people I'd intended to see (giant blanket apology to everyone I missed). Instead of the 2-3 days I'd planned on spending in Little Rock, I actually ended up spending about 15 hours there (I'd had plans to go back, but those got foiled due to circumstances beyond my control), and only got to do about, oh, 20% of the things I'd wanted to do. The rest of my time was spent in Helena, with my parents/brother/grandfather, doing various stuff (and honestly, I could have spent the whole trip just sitting in a living room with them, watching crappy t.v., and have been happy as a clam. I forgot how much I missed just being in the same room with them). I spent a lot of time indoors since the weather was unbearably hot and humid, and I dazzled everyone with my stories of life WITHOUT air conditioning (you want to see amazement on faces? tell a bunch of southerners that you don't have air conditioning in your house - you'll be blown away by their shock and amazement). I also got some much needed shopping time in with my mom, and then  had a spa day/casino night with some of my friends (thanks to my wonderful, generous mom!), and it was great fun and much needed.....the BAD thing about going home? Homesickness starts all over again...but that's a whole other story in itself....

I developed a hatred for Canada Toronto Toronto Pearson International Airport.

I guess saying I developed a hatred for an entire city is unfair, so I'll instead say that I developed a hatred for the staff of the Toronto Pearson International Airport. Let me preface what I'm about to say with this: first off, I've been to/through Canada twice in my life, and found the people of Canada to be extremely welcoming and pleasant, so when I was booking my flight home, and found that flying Air Canada through Toronto not only gave me my shortest travel time but ALSO the cheapest price (and I could pick my seats in advance!), I thought "great! Canada is fantastic!" - when I was flying home and my first flight landed in Toronto, I was in an exceptionally good mood. I was exhausted, but I was so excited, and even though I was a little anxious about the between flight custom stuff (I had a giant bag, was unfamiliar with the airport, and had about an hour to get through customs and to my next gate), I felt certain that, based on previous experiences in Canada, there would be more than a few happy, helpful airport staff people hanging about (aboot!) to help me if I needed it.

boy, was I wrong.

without going on a rant (and believe me, I could) I'll just say that literally every single person I encountered who worked at the airport in the hour I was there was exceptionally rude. (I had eyes rolled at me by the elderly woman whose job it was to point you in the right direction at customs......I had "LADY! LADY!" yelled at me by a guy while he repeatedly snapped his fingers at me.....even the ATM was rude (a $15 transaction fee for a $10 withdrawal? seriously?) - and that's just scratching the surface of the rudeness) it was like literally every single person employed by the airport got up on the wrong side of the bed (except ONE exceptionally cheery guy at the customs desk who almost redeemed my faith in the friendliness of Canadians until he revealed that he was "born and raised in Boston!") - needless to say that they ruined MY good mood, and I spent the second leg of my trip home fuming about my shitty treatment at the airport. During that second flight, I'd even written an entire blog in my head about my experience, but I thought to myself "now, chuck, that's unfair....what IF everyone WAS just somehow simultaneously having a "bad" or "off" day, and you're about to make hasty judgement on them based on one day...." so I didn't write the blog. I was flying home through Toronto, which gave the staff 2 1/2 weeks to get their shit together and turn those frowns upside down, and dammit, I just KNEW that the people of Toronto Pearson International Airport would redeem themselves.



I've had some medical issues.

I've had issues with frequent (okay, almost daily) dizzy spells and lightheadedness, and lately I've had frequent (okay, DAILY) headaches. in the last couple of months, I've had a couple of migraines (which I've never had before), and I'm generally just feeling fatigued (and by fatigued I mean I could quite literally sleep all day, and the minute I wake up, I'm counting down the hours until I can crawl back into bed. I wake up groggy and stay groggy ALL day (feels like I've been downing nyquil), and have absolutely no energy....) I finally went to the Doctor about it, and had various tests run (which have all come back normal so far), but he did detect a low grade heart murmur. I realize heart murmurs aren't usually a big deal, but my doctor has a tinge of concern because it's never been detected before, and a murmur that comes out of nowhere can be indicative of some other (sometimes more serious) issue. I'm currently waiting for the team of rocket scientists in the referral management office to schedule my appointment for me, since apparently my echocardiograph is something that has to be done at a specialists office. I don't mind having to go through the referral office except for the fact that it's already been two weeks since the referral order went in, and they STILL don't have an appointment scheduled, and, according to the girl I spoke to today, it will be "at least another week" before they get it scheduled. Now, I realize that as a military spouse, I'm getting off easy here - I'm having all these fancy-schmancy tests run, and it's not costing me a penny, and believe me, I appreciate it, and I'm a realist - I understand that my health is not as much a priority as, say, some active duty person - but 3 WEEKS TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT? GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK. I find that to be just a TAD bit ridiculous - now, if you told me that you've scheduled the appointment, but they can't SEE me for three weeks, I'll totally believe and accept that (because that's how a specialty practice works), but you haven't even scheduled it? what the fuck have you been doing for the last 3 weeks? At this point, I'm considering walking into the ER, clutching my chest and screaming "I'M IN SO MUCH PAAAAAAAIN" just to get the process, yeah, stay tuned for THAT......AND I have 2 cavities that have leaky fillings, and those bitches are getting fixed on Wednesday. woo.

what else has happened?

oh - we got to see Morrissey (most amazing show ever, but maybe that's just me.....), and while I was home I saw Jack's Mannequin.....

work is good - I'm finally really settled in and I've gotten pretty comfortable. we've got some new faces, and some faces on their way out the door, and shit is always exciting. love my work family.

oh, and the husband is deploying in like...uh....3 weeks. he was SUPPOSED to deploy in December, but it magically got pushed up. Luckily, he isn't going far, and I'll be able to visit (yay!), so it won't be as difficult/weird/stressful as the last time.

so that's cliffs notes on the last couple of months. now that I'm caught up, I'll be back more frequently. Prepare for my frequent ranting, y'all!