Sunday, August 23, 2009

DJ vs. Band

My brother came into town last night, and during dinner we got on the subject of Band vs. DJ for my wedding reception - this is something we've talked about before, and sometime that i've given a lot of thought to and done a lot of research about, and about a month ago, i'd gotten my heart set on a band, but realized that its probably not really sometime i could fit into a reasonable budget right now, while still allowing myself enough money to do the other things i really want to do (and still being able to host the rehearsal dinner i want) - I'm not a bridezilla (yet) by any means, but when it comes to the "big" stuff, i do get my feathers a tiny bit ruffled when i dont get my way, so prior to getting my panties in a wad, i had to keep my head on straight, stay reasonable,  and review the pros and cons of both sides of this scenario:

there has been one wedding that i've been to in my entire life that had a band - i don't remember it, but my brother claims that there was a band at my cousin's wedding,  and that people were dancing their asses off and having a great time - like i said, i don't remember this, but i do know that in my past experiences at college functions, proms, etc, i haven't necessarily had a significantly better time, but i HAVE done more dancing when there's been an actual, live band involved instead of a DJ.  People seem to lose their inhibitions to a point, and get up and cut loose when there is a band around - maybe its just the energy....who knows?  so the fun factor is definitely a pro....

Another thing i've noticed with DJs is that you always run a risk of  him/her playing, doing, or saying something that is inappropriate and almost embarrassing  - they can sometimes bring a cheeseball factor to an event, and thats not really something i want or need at my wedding - 

and then there's the cost - DJs are surprisingly affordable! and flexible! and they don't come with a laundry list of wants and needs if you book them - like, seriously, to have a band at my wedding would also mean supplying them with specified catering requirements, 15 crisp, white towels, a case of a specific brand of bottled water,  blah blah blah blah (and its not like i'm booking no doubt here), while a DJ is like "hey, whatever..." -  plus, the bands we looked into cost over 5 TIMES AS MUCH as a DJ - and while i want my wedding to be everything i've ever dreamed of, i don't intend on bankrupting my family to get it - 

i hate to say this, but at at this point, the cost of the entertainment really is the biggest factor to me - there are things im willing to sacrifice (like, having a band) and things i'm NOT (like, having the dress of my dreams and an open bar)  so i kind of have to prioritize and let everything sort of work itself out - although i love the idea of having a band, right now my decision is going to be to go with a DJ, and if in a few months we do some math, and a band fits itself into the budget, perhaps a change of plans will be in order - 

I have actually found a DJ who i think is incredible, and I'm very excited about them doing our reception! One of my main concerns about having a DJ was having them play nothing but music that i despise (gene and i have sort of strange taste, and while i realize that some of the generic, top 40, party music crap will have to be played for the benefit of others, i still wanted at least some of the music played to be music that WE love and recognize), but i found one who will actually let you customize your playlist, make a "must play" list AND make a "do not play" list, which is like, a dream come true for me - it'll give me a little bit of control that i've noticed other brides haven't had over their DJs (i've had quite a few friends get married and spend the reception complaining about how much they hate their DJ), and thats a big comfort for me - 

anyone have any opinions on the Band vs DJ thing???